Satellite 6. Hello, Hello Future!
Die Neue Sammlung
Reading Time
With a Future-Malking-Lab with UnDesignUnit and a lecture and talk with Fiona Raby.
Saturday, October 6, 2018, 2 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Location: Pinakothek der Moderne, Barerstraße 40, 80333 München.
Free admission and participation.
“Hello Future!” – A journey into the future
Having landed in the museum’s grounds, the Futuro serves as a symbolic vehicle that will catapult us into an age still to come that we can experience by the means of speculative design. Together we explore the social, economic, political and ecological impact emerging technologies could have and come up with alternatives to predominant designs for the future.
To kick off the “Hello Future!” series, which is curated by UnDesignUnit with various cooperation partners, on October 6, 2018 Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum invites this time visitors to attend a half-day participatory program during which they will explore the ambivalent relationship between the present day and the future, between pre-fabricated visions of the future and our own imagination.
To what degree can we help shape our futures here and now? To what extent is this controlled by governments, technology companies, and other players?

Future-Making Lab: “Shaping Our Futures Ourselves!”
With UnDesignUnit.
2 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Location: Library, Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum in Pinakothek der Moderne.
You are an expert when it comes to your own everyday reality! Based on critical and speculative design methods, we shape our futures ourselves here and now.
Assuming that the future is rooted in the present, we conceive, build, explore and test alternative scenarios for pressing challenges. The lab is open to all visitors who question and want to shape standard visions of the future. This takes place in interdisciplinary exchange with entrepreneurs, academics, futurologists, artists, and designers.
The lab will be introduced and hosted by UnDesignUnit. The results will be presented in the form of mock-ups and models in the presence of the designer Fiona Raby.

Design discussion: “Who Else Makes Our Futures?”
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Location: Ernst von Siemens Auditorium at Pinakothek der Moderne.
In English.
Who, apart from ourselves, makes our futures? What role can design play in speculating about possible and desirable futures? And how, and on what terms and with what goals do companies with a future work?
„Realists of a Larger Reality“ (Ursula K. Le Guin, 2014)
with Fiona Raby, Designer and Professor at The New School in New York.
In her lecture, the designer Fiona Raby will talk about the power of imagination, fiction, alternative realities and the values designed into everyday objects. She asks how far visions of the future restrict our imagination and ingenuity, instead of setting them free, and how far an eye continually geared to the future paradoxically prevents us from making genuine progress.
Together with Anthony Dunne, she works in their joint teaching and design practice on countering the dominance of monolithic progress scenarios with the plurality of futures and on exploring the role design can play in making these diverse futures visible and tangible.
Born in 1963 in Singapore the Britisch designer Fiona Raby is Professor of Design and Social Inquiry at The New School in New York. From 2011 until 2016 she was Professor of Industrial Design at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Between 1995 and 2015 she was Reader in Design Interactions at the Royal College of Art in London and lectured in Architecture, Computer-related Design, and Design Interactions. Fiona Raby is a partner at the design studio Dunne & Raby and, together with Anthony Dunne, co-author of “Design Noir. The Secret Life of Electronic Objects” (Birkhäuser, 2001) and “Speculative Everything. Design, Fiction and Social Dreaming” (MIT Press, 2013). Their joint work has been exhibited in museums all over the world, including MoMA in New York, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, and the Design Museum in London, and features in various collections, among them MoMA, New York, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, and MAK, Vienna.
“Exploring tomorrow today”
with UnDesignUnit (Sarah Dorkenwald, Karianne Fogelberg, Tanja Seiner).
UnDesignUnit questions narrow definitions of design practice and – given the current extension of the concept of design – sounds out boundaries and new freedoms. With their design concepts, discursive formats and exhibitions, which are curated by Sarah Dorkenwald, Karianne Fogelberg and Tanja Seiner, not to mention their work as authors for specialist journals, exhibition catalogs, and academic publications, they play a part in current design theory discourse.
Curated by:
UnDesignUnit (Sarah Dorkenwald, Karianne Fogelberg, Tanja Seiner).
The event is sponsored by bayern design and the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology.