Design für Olympia / Designing for the Olympics

Title: Design für Olympia / Designing for the Olympics
Publisher: Angelika Nollert
Authors: Scarlett Cornelissen, Tom Dauer, Caroline Fuchs, Sven Güldenpfennig, Angelika Nollert, Markus Osterwalder, Gertrud Pfister, Linus Rapp, Xenia Riemann-Tyroller, Kathrin Steinbichler, Daniela Stöppel
Place: Cologne
Year: 2022
Published by: Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König
Graphic design: Kurz Gestaltung, Berlin
Format: 30 cm x 23 cm
Pages: 192
Images: 350
Language: German and English
ISBN 978-3-7533-0194-5
Price: 29,80 Euro
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