Danner-Prize 2020. 100 Years Danner Foundation

Catalogue of the Exhibition 2020
Inscription in red and dark grey on a white background at the top: Danner Prize 2020, below a brooch in red: on a red circular metal plate, rod-shaped curved and round shapes and small stones.
Cover of the exhibition catalogue, Danner Prize 2020. 100 years Danner Foundation, 2020.
Photo: Archive Die Neue Sammlung

Title: Danner-Prize 2020. 100 years of support to Bavaria’s outstanding arts and crafts by the Danner Foundation
Publisher: Benno und Therese Danner’sche Kunstgewerbestiftung
Authors: Hubert Aiwanger, Isolde Bazlen, Gert Bruckner, Wolfgang Lösche, Angelika Nollert, Sabine Tröger
Place: Stuttgart
Year: 2020

Published by: arnoldsche Art Publishers
Graphic design: Gerwin Schmidt
Format: 17,2 x 24,6 cm
Pages: 344
Images: 170, Hardcover
Language: German and English

ISBN 978-3-89790-599-3
Prize: 34,00 Euro

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