ReFlex Bauhaus. 40 Objects – 5 Conversations

Catalogue of the Exhibition 2019
Fabric with vertical and horizontal lines that overlap irregularly to form rectangles. Paper sleeve in the lower third, black surface with white labelling: ReFlex Bauhaus.
Cover of the exhibition catalogue, ReFlex Bauhaus. 40 Objects – 5 Conversations.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung (A. Laurenzo)

Title: ReFlex Bauhaus. 40 Objects – 5 Conversations
Publisher: Angelika Nollert, Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum
Authors: Hubertus Adam, Nico Bleutge, Yannick Hoffmann, Angelika Nollert, Tilo Schulz, Eva Maria Stadler, Josef Straßer, Barbara Vinken
Place: London
Year: 2019

Published by: Koenig Books Ltd.
Graphic design: Ulrike von Dewitz
Format: 21 x 27,5 cm
Pages: 192
Images: 159
Language: German and English

ISBN 978-3-96098-528-0
Preis: 20,00 Euro

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