Rörstrand. Art Nouveau Porcelain from Sweden

Title: Rörstrand. Art Nouveau Porcelain from Sweden. The white gold of the north. Collection Hans Schmidts
Publisher: Bengt Nyström
Authors: Bengt Nyström, Johannes Busch, Hans Schmidts
Place: Stuttgart
Year: 2011
Published by: arnoldsche Art Publishers
Graphic design: Silke Nalbach, nalbach typografik, Mannheim
Format: 24,5 x 31 cm
Pages: 224
Images: 602 colour, 30 black/white, Hardcover
Language: German and English
ISBN 978-3-89790-341-8
Price: 49,80 Euro
Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek. The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists the publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on: