Sonngard Marcks. Pictorial Worlds in Ceramics

Catalogue of the Exhibition 2016
On the left on a white background, the bowl of peppers with a wide rim and a ladle, on the right vertical line from bottom to top Sonngard Marcks.
Cover of the exhibition catalogue, Sonngard Marcks, 2016.
Graphic design: Wigel, Munich © Die Neue Sammlung

Title: Sonngard Marcks. Pictorial Worlds in Ceramics
Publisher: Angelika Nollert, Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum
Author: Josef Straßer
Place: München
Year: 2016

Published by: Druckerei Vogl, München
Graphic design: wigel, Petra Lüer
Format: 22 x 22 cm
Pages: 71
Images: 44
Language: German and English

ISBN 978-3-9813755-9-6
Preis: 15,00 Euro

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