Therese Hilbert – Red. Jewelry 1966 – 2020

Catalogue of the Exhibition 2023
Exhibition catalogue with red cover, inscription, black letters. Book cover initial letter of first name T ROT, back cover initial letter of surname H Red, spine, THERESE HILBERT
Cover of the exhibition catalogue, Therese Hilbert – Red, 2023.
Graphic design: Frederik Linke © Die Neue Sammlung

Title: Therese Hilbert – Red.
Jewelry 1966 – 2020

Publisher: Angelika Nollert
Authors: Heike Endter, Warwick Freeman, Petra Hölscher, Otto Künzli, Ellen Maurer Zilioli, Pravu Mazumdar, Angelika Nollert
Place: Stuttgart
Year: 2023

Published by: arnoldsche Art Publishers
Graphic design: Frederik Linke, Zurich
Format: 19 × 25,7 cm
Pages: 360
Language: German and English

ISBN 978-3-89790-623-5
Price: 38,00 Euro

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