Event period : 14.07.2022 – 15.01.2023

20 Years Pinakothek der Moderne – 21 Objects

Selected 21 design objects from the last 20 years
Exhibition view.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung (K. Mewes)

About the exhibition

Pinakothek der Moderne is an art museum.
It opened 20 years ago.
Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum
is one part of the museum Pinakothek der Moderne.
For its anniversary,
Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum
displays objects from the last 20 years.
Objects are the things that you can see in an exhibition.
There is 1 object for each year.
The objects show how design has changed over those 20 years.
Or they show the influence they had on today’s design.
The choice of objects also shows
what is important in today’s society:
for example sustainability, fair production conditions
and participation.
Sustainability means that an object lasts a long time.
Participation means that every single person
can participate in social life.
Next to each object,
you can see in which year it was designed.
This way, you can easily find the object in the exhibition booklet.

Besuch planen


Geöffnet um:

  • Täglich 10:00 – 18:00

  • Montags geschlossen

  • Donnerstags 10:00 – 20:00


Snø Designstudio / No Isolation, AV1, 2015.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung (K. Mewes)
Dreiviertelansicht eines Stuhls
Patrick Jouin, Solid C2, 2004.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung ‒ The Design Museum (K. Mewes)
Unterschiedliche Lego-Spielfiguren in bunten Farben stellvertretend für Diversität
Matthew Ashton, Everyone Is Awesome, 2020.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum (K. Mewes)
Ansicht von fünf Schalen aus bei niedriger Temperatur gebackenem Biomaterial, bestehend aus Mehl, Bio-Abfällen und natürlichem Kalkstein
Formafantasma (Simone Farresin / Andrea Trimarchi), Autarchy, 2010.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum (K. Mewes)
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