The Library

with 21,000 media
View of the library shelves.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung (A. Laurenzo)

Our library in the museum

Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum is not just a museum.
It also has a very special library.
The entrance to this library is in the Türken-Straße.

Our museum has many history books on different topics:
Applied arts
Applied arts want to make everyday objects beautiful.
Design determines how an object looks.
• and on the special areas of the museum
For example: glass, ceramics or posters.

The library has about 21,000 objects.
For example:
• Monographs
These are books about a single person or a single subject.
• Specialist books
• Catalogues
• Magazines

You can search online for specific objects.
Click on this link:
Online catalogue of the library objects.
But this page is in a language
that is difficult to understand.

Our library is not open to the public.
This means that you cannot borrow anything from the library.
But you can make an appointment
to look at the objects in the library.
For example, to do research.

If you want to make an appointment
send us an e-mail:
In the e-mail tell us:
• your name
• what you want to research
• which books you need

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Das Bild zeigt die Bibliothek mit hohen Decken, Glasfenstern und Jalousien. Links sind gefüllte Bücherregale.
View into the library.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung (A. Laurenzo)
The picture shows the library with a gray floor and large windows. On the right in front of the window are workstations with black tables and chairs. There are also two seats at tables at the end of the room. On the left you can see white, open shelves with publications.
View of the stairs to the 1st floor of the library.
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung (A. Laurenzo)

More Research at the Museum

Future Talks

An internationally recognised forum for restoration

Two participants are chatting on the terrace of the Pinakothek der Moderne. They are sitting on light green chairs. On the concrete wall in the background is the
Future Talks
Photo: Die Neue Sammlung